CIA & penggulingan Bung Karno Scott, Peter Dale penulis text teks yoi 2019 Cetakan kesembilan, 2019 Yogyakarta : Media pressindo, 2019 ind
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90 halaman ; 20 halaman
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Peter Dale Scott; penerjemah, Darma; penyunting, Mas Kris Judul asli: U.S. and the overthrow of Soekarno, 1965-1967 Bibliografi : halaman 88-90 Sejarah-- Indonesia Politik dan pemerintahan-- Indonesia 959.8 959.8 SCO c 978-623-7254-40-9 rda YOPDYOG 200512 20200512124542 INLIS000000000855564 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19) ind