In cold blood Capote, Truman text yoi Yogyakarta Bentang 2017 Cet. 1 ind eng
regular print
vi, 538 hlm. ; 21 cm.
Truman Capote; penerjemah, Santi Indra Astuti; penyunting, Wendratama, Adham T. Fusama Judul asli : In cold blood: a true account of multiple murder and its consequences Fiksi Indonesia 899.2213 899.2213 CAP i 978-602-291-393-1 YOPDYOG 180214 20191007093926 INLIS000000000033468 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19) ind