Sejarah agama-agama studi sejarah, karakteristik dan praktik agama-agama besar dunia History of religion: a sketch of primitive religious belies and practices, and of the origin and character of the great systems Menzies, Allan Pengarang Koliq, Abd. Penyunting text yoi Yogyakarta Forum 2014 Cetakan pertama, 2014 ind eng
regular print
vi, 516 halaman ; 21 cm
Allan Menzies; penerjemah, Dion Yulianto, EmIrfan; penyunting, Abd. Koliq Judul asli : "History of religion: a sketch of primitive religious belies and practices, and of the origin and character of the great systems" Indeks Bibliografi: halaman 495-503 Teks berbahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris Agama-- Sejarah 200.9 200.9 MEN s 978-602-9434-66-8 YOPDYOG 170818 20200604042353 INLIS000000000030180 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19) ind