na INLIS000000000029701 20170811105741.0 978-602-8227-83-4 010-071700000000871 YOPDYOG [23] 616.462 616.462 Buc A DEP 616.462 Buc A BUCKMAN, ROBERT Apa yang seharuisnya anda ketahui tentang hidup dengan diabetes / Robert Buckman, Cris McLaughlin ; penerjemah, Theodorus Dharma Wibisono ; penyunting, Hingawati Setio, Nur'aini W. Cet. 1 Yogyakarta Citra Aji Parama 2010 80 hlm. : ilus. ; 25 cm. Judul asli : What you really need to know about living with diabetes Indeks Diabetes McLaughlin, Chris Theodorus Dharma Wibisono Hingawati Setio Nur'aini W. YOPDYOG CB-D.11/2010-2504