I can read you like a book bagaimana mengetahui pesan dan emosi seseorang memalui bahasa tubuh Hartley, Gregory Karinch, Maryann text yoi Yogyakarta Beranda Publishing 2008 Cetakan pertama, April 2008 ind eng
regular print
viii, 280 halaman : gambar ; 24 cm
Gregory Hartley, Maryann Karinch; penerjemah, Nanung; penyunting, Jarwanto S. Noe Indeks Judul asli: I can read you like a book: how to spot the messages and emotions people are really sending with their body language Teks dalam bahasa Indonesia diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris YOPDDIY Psikologi 128.2 128.2 HAR i 978-979-16024-2-6 YOPDYOG 110505 20210929023855 YOGYA-05110000000419 Converted from MARCXML to MODS version 3.5 using MARC21slim2MODS3-5.xsl (Revision 1.106 2014/12/19) ind