na YOGYA-02090000037907 20090227025315.0 ind 979-97564-22-3 010-020900000037907 320.092 320.092 Arc K R ARCHER, Jules Kisah para diktator Biografi politik Para penguasa Faxis, Komunis, Nespotis dan Tiran Jules Archer; penerjemah, Dimyati A.S Cet.11 Yogyakarta Narasi 2005 iv, 195 hlm 21 cm Judul asli : The Dictators, Fascist Communist, Despots and Tyrants-The Biographies of "The Greet Dictators"of the modern world Biografi Politikus Dimyati, A.S YOPDYOG 070406 2 05B0009687 05B0009688